Stay at selected hotels and get a free lift ticket for every night of your stay from May to November 2024.

How it works?

It's very simple. When you arrive at the hotel, sign up for the GOPASS loyalty program and pick up your GOPASS chip card at reception. This card contains the number of free chairlift tickets that you can use during your stay. Now you can go and enjoy a comfortable trip.

What chairlifts can you use?

All of them. In the summer season two chairlifts operate in Špindlerův Mlýn: innogy line in Svatý Petr and the Medvědín chairlift. You can use only one chairlift all week and go for trips in different directions, or you can combine both chairlifts.


What hotels should you stay in?

The following hotels are part of this offer. We are continuing to expand their number for you.


Summer operation starts on May 1, we look forward to seeing you!

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